Page 14 - msc_sustainability_report_2016
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In 2016, MSC continued to nurture
strong relationships as part of
significant global and localised
membership organisations, which MATERIALITY
align with our CSR commitments. ASSESSMENT
MSC has always undertaken
membership activity with great
commitment, and therefore only
engages with organisations where
its level of obligation is fully
understood, and where the body’s
wider objectives and activities are
transparent and wholly respected.
The Executive Chairman of MSC MSC is a family company led by strong corporate requirements as well as the different needs and
Cruises, Mr. Pierfrancesco Vago, values and by its own philosophy, built up from over expectations of the local communities where we operate,
has served as the chair of the four decades of our owner and founder’s expertise in by liaising with national authorities and other relevant
Cruise Lines International Associ- the shipping sector, as well as his care for people and stakeholders. These insights are regularly shared with
ation (CLIA), Europe, until the end the environment. Our long-term vision is to foster our senior management at the headquarters in Geneva,
of 2016. He also serves on CLIA’s economic and social development by connecting popu- who ensure the incorporation of the sustainability
Global Executive Committee and
Global Board of Directors. CLIA lations and countries as the Masters of the Seas. To do dimension into MSC’s business models and plans.
serves as the unified voice for so, the promotion of sustainable policies and practices, The involvement and participation of our internal stake-
the cruise industry and MSC fully within our sphere of influence, has always been an holders in the decision-making process is promoted by
supports their efforts to do so in a integral part of our strategic planning and remains an the Aponte family also through employees’ surveys.
responsible manner that upholds important consideration in our materiality assessment. The latest survey was organised in 2016 with a view to
the highest standards for this Being a global company with interests all around the identify potential areas of improvement and received a
important maritime sector. world, we are fully aware that our activities and opera- completion rate of 96%. It revealed, among other issues,
In 2016, MSC’s Chief Operating tions may impact a wide range of external stakeholders. an increased interest for MSC activities related to CSR.
Officer, Mr. Claudio Bozzo, was Therefore, both at the headquarters and at country level, Partly in response to this feedback from employees, MSC
appointed to the board of the we constantly interact and engage in discussions with has established and implemented several initiatives
World Shipping Council (WSC). customers, business partners, port authorities, private to raise awareness on our sustainability activities and
The goal of the WSC is to provide financial institutions, regional and development banks, strengthen the coordination between the headquarters
a coordinated voice for the liner governments, local communities, NGOs and other and the country offices on this matter. This includes
shipping industry. As such, MSC relevant stakeholders. This is extremely important for the “Managing Directors talks,” convened at the head-
is honoured to have Mr. Bozzo us, as all our partnerships are based on mutual trust quarters where our executives based in our local agen-
representing its voice at the table and seek to lead to common beneficial outcomes. cies share information on the impact of MSC business
of this organisation. Although our core values remain our framework of activities around the world and provide briefings about
MSC’s membership commitments reference, our strategies may differ, as they are adapted to country-specific issues related to economic, social and
and engagement within the rele- different local contexts. Our holistic approach motivates political developments. We have also established a
vant organisations are constantly us to identify and address social challenges and Green Committee, responsible to suggest charitable
reviewed by MSC’s senior leader- development gaps that may interfere with our operations activities on environmental issues and further
ship, to ensure they continue to with a view to turn them into new business opportunities. investments in trainings on sustainability for our
be appropriate for MSC’s current For instance, our 480 country offices located world- people. These initiatives are expected to be further
business activities and wider wide play an important role in assessing national enhanced over the coming years.