Page 17 - msc_sustainability_report_2016
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The protection of the environment has always been, and PERFORMANCE
will continue to be, one of our main concerns as it is a
cornerstone of our core values. This is also an important With the signing of the United Nations Global Compact
material issue for our customers, our employees by Mr. Diego Aponte, our President and CEO, in April
and our external stakeholders. Therefore, MSC has 2016, we responded to the call of the international com-
decided to further publish information on its en- munity to foster development through the promotion
vironmental performance, as well as to continue and the realisation of the SDGs. As a family-owned
investing in environment-friendly technologies and in company, we feel extremely proud to further contribute
the promotion of green transportation solutions. to the global efforts aimed to realise inclusive growth
MSC’s investments encompass our contribution in the long term and explore innovative opportunities
towards a healthier planet. For instance, we transport to maximise the positive social and environmental
goods in a responsible manner and we constantly seek impacts of our business activities.
to provide our workers with a safe working environ- We have recently started a global assessment on our
ment, both on board and ashore, in line with the IMO economic, social and environmental performance to
and ILO standards as set out in MSC’s Health, Safe, fulfil our commitment towards the United Nations Global
Security and Environment (HSSE) guidelines. Compact and provide comprehensive information not
A few of our strategic decisions do not have an eco- only to our customers and business partners, but also
nomic impact per se. Sometimes, social considerations to the international development community.
may prevail, as MSC places its employees, their well- Due to the variety of our activities as well as the flexible
being and their progression at the heart of its business and complex nature of the shipping sector, our mapping
strategy. The Aponte family believes that a motivated exercise is still ongoing. Yet, our preliminary findings
and loyal workforce, strongly committed to their core allowed us to identify which SDGs are already incor-
values, is the key to MSC’s success and therefore an porated in our business strategy and in our existing
essential component of a sustainable business. In this corporate citizenship efforts. The Sustainability Report-
respect, a constant fundamental material issue will ing Standards (GRI standards) have been an extremely
remain our investments in our workforce. We will useful tool for our assessment. Some SDGs are inter-
continue offering to our staff long-term career opportu- related and are promoted directly or indirectly by our
nities and provide them with a wide range of vocational activities and operations. Our report shows MSC’s com-
training as well as personal development courses. The mitment to promote those relating to climate change
promotion of social inclusion through the recruitment and marine conservation. It also offers an overview
of local workforce all over the world will also remain a on how we encourage innovation and we promote the
critical aspect of our business strategy. leapfrogging of technologies as well as of world-class
At MSC, we are proud to facilitate global trade with infrastructures, especially in developing countries.
integrity. In this respect, the promotion of fair business We also explain our contribution to alleviate poverty,
practices and due diligence remains a fundamental through the promotion of decent work and our constant
material issue for us. MSC has a dedicated team of efforts to provide quality education by investing in
experts covering anti-bribery issues, the reporting vocational training and local CSR activities, targeting
channel and internal investigations. Through the MSC the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.
Code of Business Conduct, we promote non-discrimi-
nation, equality for all and condemn child labour along
with any type of harassment. In the next years, our
extensive network of compliance officers worldwide will
further support the implementation of MSC’s strategy in
this area throughout the MSC Group, raising awareness
and managing ethical business-related issues.