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 MSC is committed to the environmental principles   air emissions, including GHG (Greenhouse Gases).    2016 has seen significant strides in MSC’s environmental   MSC has been recognised for its environmental efforts
 set forth by the Rio Declaration on Environment and   For cleaner land, MSC renovates and modernises its   performance. The company’s total fuel consumption   in several international forums, such as the Interna-
   Development of 1992 and implements all applicable   terminals, usually implemented through public-private   was 8.3 million tons, of which 1.02 million tons was   tional Green Shipping Awards in October 2016, where
 environmental regulations to reduce its footprint    partnerships (PPPs) with port authorities and local    low  sulphur fuel for  use  in regulated  areas.  MSC is   it was awarded Greenest Ship of the Year. More than
 wherever it operates. MSC’s long-term environmental   governments, in line with national strategic plans and   meticulous about its environmental planning and is   200 key leaders of the international shipping industry
 strategy  is  defined under three pillars:  cleaner  seas,   priorities. The last pillar, cleaner cargo, is demonstrated    continuously scrutinising what impact it may have   attended  the  event  held  in  Rotterdam,  in  the  Neth-
 cleaner land and cleaner cargo.  through MSC’s efforts to improve vessel capacity and   on land, sea and populations. Capacity utilisation,   erlands. The award aims to recognise the efforts of
 MSC is advancing its commitment for cleaner seas   efficient operations leading to reduced emissions per   network optimisation and efficiency are an integral   the leaders in the maritime industry, who have suc-
 ensuring it is operating a modern fleet with reduced   ton of cargo carried.    part of MSC’s daily work. This has resulted in a 6.6%    cessfully  implemented  sustainability  practices  with-
            decrease in CO  emissions per cargo-ton/miles (Energy    in their businesses. MSC earned the ISO 14001:2015
            Efficiency Operational Indicator, EEOI) compared to the   status, which relates to environmental management
            previous year 2015.                           systems, biodiversity, climate challenges and ecosys-
                                                          tem services.

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