Page 45 - msc_sustainability_report_2016
P. 45
The youngest container fleet in the world Responsible ship recycling
MSC operates one of the youngest fleets in the Almost half of MSC’s fleet is less than 10 years
world. It represents a massive financial investment in old and two thirds are less than 15 years old. With
modern, efficient and environmentally- friendly vessels. regards to its vessels near the end of their service life,
MSC is strongly committed to only recycling ships
MSC Oscar in a safe and responsible manner in accordance with
MSC invests in new technologies, systems and established internal practices. Accordingly, we fully
processes with the aim of continuously improving the support the principles within the Hong Kong
environmental performance and energy efficiency of its International Convention for the Safe and Environmen-
fleet. In January 2015, MSC launched the MSC Oscar, tally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. We also highly
the world’s largest containership at that time. Due to encourage all governments to ratify that convention
its eco-design, MSC Oscar produces considerably less and effectively implement its provisions upon its
CO emissions per shipped container than previous entry into force. MSC’s principles, and those within the
generations of comparable ships. As an illustration, Hong Kong Convention, are important foundations to
MSC Oscar has an average Energy Efficiency ensure that social responsibility and environmental
Operational Indicator (EEOI) of 7, which compared to stewardship aspects are fully considered when ships
an older vessel can be translated into 70% emission are recycled at the end of their service life.
reduction to carry the same amount of cargo.
MSC is permanently engaged in efforts to optimise
its fleet’s fuel consumption. Over one third of MSC’s
operated fleet is built in accordance with the new
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) standards. MSC invests in
The EEDI is a criterion set by a new legally binding IMO
regulation from early 2013 to reduce GHG emissions. new technologies,
It aims to ensure that the new ships built by 2030 will systems and
be 30% more efficient than in 2013.
processes with the
“G” type engines aim of continuously
MSC has also introduced “G” type engines in its
new building programme. “G” engines, with their improving the
ultra-long stroke, efficiently operate at lower speeds. environmental
Vessels with “G” engines have therefore large
diameter propellers, which create approximatively performance and
6% savings in fuel consumption in comparison with a energy efficiency
normal size propeller, along with the consequent
savings in CO and other air emissions. of its fleet