Page 79 - msc_sustainability_report_2016
P. 79


 MSC is committed to undertaking business fairly, and   MSC strives to implement within its agreements with   MSC  performs  due  diligence  in  selecting  business
 to uphold all applicable anti-bribery and corruption   customers and business partners, anti-corruption   partners. MSC expects the same level of due diligence
 laws when conducting business anywhere in the   clauses to impose strict requirements and obligations   from its agencies. Due diligence must be carried out
 world. MSC strictly prohibits all corruption, as well   throughout its supply  chain. MSC anti- corruption   before engaging with a business partner to identify
 as active and passive bribery. MSC employees must   clauses impose to MSC counterparties and their share-    existing problems and potential risks.
 comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws, including   holders, subcontractors and affiliates the highest   The Compliance department is working in close
 the Swiss Penal Code and where applicable the U.S.   standards in strict application of anti-corruption laws.   collaboration with the Contract Review team to
 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act   As such, MSC counterparties must perform anti-   implement specific compliance clauses within contracts.
 2010.  corruption due diligence to ensure compliance with   Thanks to strong cross-transversal team efforts, MSC’s
 MSC has created a dedicated team of experts in its   applicable  anti- corruption laws.   business partners are required, through specific com-
 headquarters,  which  has  successfully  implemented   Any employee must report on an anonymous basis   pliance obligations in contracts to comply with all
 the MSC Anti-Bribery policy with the strong support   all events that he perceives as being a potentially    applicable laws, statutes and regulations, such as the
 of the senior leadership. This policy provides a frame-  corrupt activity. The management shall take appropriate    UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015. MSC also expects its
 work for employees worldwide on how to conduct   remedial and corrective actions if necessary.  business partners not to have been convicted or been
 themselves when dealing with external third parties   There is a training for employees focusing on    subject of an investigation for any offence involving
 such as customers, government officials and business   anti- corruption, on how to fight corrupt practices   a human rights violation. MSC also encourages its
 partners. Agencies and employees shall never offer,   in their daily activities. A mandatory e-learning   business partners to commit to similar principles to
 give, solicit, accept or receive, an undue advantage in   course raising awareness on anti-corruption will be    those set out in the MSC Code of Business Conduct.
 return for favourable treatment, influencing a person   implemented during the year 2017 for a better and
 or decision, or gaining or retaining business.  stronger reach globally.
 It is of paramount importance that MSC always
 conducts its business legally, responsibly and with
 integrity. There is a zero-tolerance policy on any form
 of corrupt activity and facilitation payments. MSC will
 not tolerate wilful ignorance in relation to corrupt
 activities. The failure to comply with the policy may
 lead to disciplinary action and up to the termination
 of employment. The MSC Anti-Bribery policy was
 translated in 11 different languages for a better reach
 and understanding by employees, globally.
 As a general principle, giving or accepting luxurious,
 unduly  lavish  or  extravagant  goods,  as  well  as  cash
 or cash equivalents such as gift cards and vouchers,
 is forbidden. As a rule, corporate hospitality
 expenditures unrelated to business activities are
 prohibited, as well as expenditures that are primarily
 for personal purposes. Charitable contributions or
 sponsorships cannot be used to funnel bribes.

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